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Welcome to Sagire

Let me introduce myself

Dr Ian Dummett (ChMed)

Dr Ian Dummett is an AACMA and APRHA registered Doctor of Chinese Medicine. He holds a BAppSc in Chinese Medicine and a BAppSc in Human Biology from RMIT in Victoria. He also holds a Diplomate from the ICEAM and continues professional development on an ongoing basis. He completed his Chinese medical internship at a hospital in Nanjing. He participated in studies relating to pain relief through acupuncture in the emergency department of the hospital in Epping, Melbourne.

Prior to commencing his practice, Dr Ian had experience as a qualified remedial massage practitioner and as a personal trainer. Always physically active, he has both a personal and professional interest in sports injuries and other sources of muscular-skeletal pain.

Dr Ian also has a strong interest in women’s health issues, believing that women should not have to suffer through what should be a natural life process. He has worked with many women dealing with issues of painful periods, endometriosis, infertility, and menopause symptoms. 

 Hello and welcome! I'm Dr Ian, and I'm on a mission to make a difference in women's health.

 Even when life gets hectic because you have brain fog, no energy, your sleep is poor, and you wake tired, your moods are all over the place, and you still have that “todo list” that seems to be growing, not shortening. That is where Classical East Asian Medicine can help, with the ability to give you the knowledge and insights as to why and what is happening. As well as providing a pretty much side effect-free way of treating the body through herbs or acupuncture.

 While you may notice I'm not a woman, my journey and passion for women’s health runs deep. Throughout my life, the women closest to me, my wives (yes, wives—divorced, widowed, and still married—a story for another time), mothers, daughters, and sisters—have all faced significant challenges with their gynaecological health. From PCOS and endometriosis to cysts, heavy bleeding, and irregular cycles, I've witnessed first-hand the toll these conditions can take on your well-being. 

 My journey into health care and medicine started when I was still a teenager. I watched my mom and baby sister have what, at the time, were unexplained as ‘women’s problems’ very regularly. Ultimately my mom went to the hospital for these ‘women’s’ problems and was supposedly fixed. My sister continued to have problems and was again ‘fixed’ by being put on the pill at 14. Problem solved. These things were explained to me as normal, and they were better now—fixed. But that was not what I saw. It appeared to me that some of the problems went away, but not all. 

 I still had questions about why it happened in the first place and how it could be truly fixed so it doesn’t happen to others. Fast-forward a decade or two, and I was a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This was the key that unlocked so much for me. It gave me a framework that works, that explains the whys and hows of this magical thing that is the human body and the total mystery that is the female body. What appealed about this ancient wisdom was that it explained so much in a plain, logical manner.

 My undergraduate degree is a double degree, which means that I studied TCM and Western Medical Sciences simultaneously. So while studying Western anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, toxicology, and anatomy, I was also studying Chinese Medicine. The two combined gave me the full picture: one was technical and clinical, and the other was functional, insightful, wise, and warm, providing the answers I was looking for. 

 I could finally see that women didn’t need to have these ‘women’s troubles,’ and more importantly, there is a way to fix it so it doesn’t happen again. My goal is to pass this message on to those who need it. I'm committed to making your health journey as easy and convenient as possible by giving you an understanding of what is happening and why it is happening in a clear, plain method. This method is the lens of Classical East Asian Medicine, through this lens you will have the ability to make changes that are meaningful, simple and sustainable to improve you health for your self, making you your own Health Champion. 

 We can also provide additional support with herbal medicine or acupuncture if needed. Whether you're dealing with gynaecological issues, seeking preventive care, or just need someone to listen to your health concerns, I'm here to support you every step of the way. At Sagire Clinic, we understand that your time and energy are precious. That's why we offer flexible appointments, online resources, and compassionate care to fit into your busy life. Thank you for considering me as a partner in your health journey. I'm here to support you and your health Journey. 

Warm regards, Dr. Ian Dummett CM

The Sagire Experience 

Sagire is from the Latin word meaning to perceive quickly or keenly. At Sagire, we aim to help patients and clients understand their health and wellness journey with clarity and control.

The Sagire Clinic is located in Ulverstone, Tasmania and offers acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition support. Patients are seen by appointment only, so please book online or call us to organise a time. Some herbal appointments may be able to be conducted via telehealth. Private health funds may cover some of our services.

At Sagire, we value your time, so our appointments run to schedule. We block out at least 30 minutes per patient, so we have time to really listen to YOU! We then create an individualised treatment plan and work with you to achive the best outcome we can.

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