What can CEAM treat?
Nov 15, 2024
What can CEAM treat?
- Hello and welcome to my podcasts Ancient Wisdom, ModernHealth: Reaching the Balance within.
- In this podcast I would like to address a question that I am asked almost every day; no matter where i am, once people know what I do, the inevitable question comes up, can you treat…..?, and then the person will give a disease or condition.
- In order to answer this question as it is asked, I would have to list each and every illness separately and that would be a very long list and, to be quite honest, very boring for both you and me.
- So rather than go though an endless list of conditions or diseases that CEAM can treat, I would like to answer this by explaining how CEAM sees ill health and derives a treatment for any condition that the human body presents with.
So the real question then is;
- What does CEAM/CM treat?
In order to fully answer that question, I would like to first talk about how I think about or view Western Medicines approach to treatment and diagnosis.
- This is important because the way Western Medicine and CEAM or CM views an Illness, or a patient is subtly different, and it is this distinction that is sets the two styles of medicine apart, in my opinion.
- It is my view that due to the way that Western Medicine has progressed, particularly since the early 1800’s or there about; when it started to become much more ‘scientific’ in its thinking, in its approach and reasoning. That it started to become, what I refer to as a diagnostic based treatment medicine.
- The ability to see; what was or is hidden from the naked eye, was not just an amazing, exciting and so totally awesome revelation. It was to change the very way that medical minds thought.
- Medicine was not only able to view the micro world around us, it was now able to identify just what was causing the problems to our health, and more importantly, find the answer to that by identifying what could attack the bug, virus, bacteria etc, and then intervene on the bodies behalf, and so we would be fixed, healthy again.
- There are two drawbacks, as I see it, to this line of thinking;
- One, is that it can become limiting, and
- the second is that because of its interventionist approach, we actually don’t get better, we just feel better.
- Lets deal with the idea that it is limiting first.
- With this line of thinking, we need to first to be able to identify the specific thing that is the ‘pathogen.’ That is, what is the virus, or bacteria etc that needs to be dealt with and then we can identify which treatment, or medicine, can be used.
- The problem, that can then arise is, if we can’t identify what the particular pathogen is, or we don't yet have the treatment for that pathogen. Then we are at a loss as to how to effectively treat the patient.
- another aspect of this approach that can arise is due to the very amazing ability to see something so small. We need to be able to isolate things into very small and distinct categories or areas. This is necessary so as to limit the information, so that we can see clearly what is going on. It is also necessary so that we can ‘limit contamination’ from other sources. This can be very important so that we can have a much higher chance of knowing without contradiction, that what we have seen take place is due to what we have done, and therefore ensure our replicability.
- this is a perhaps an over simplification of the scientific process that must and does need to happen for rigorous, scientific research to be ultimately proven, but we can get the idea here.
- So, why then do I see this as a limiting factor?
- The reason I see that this approach has its drawbacks is because of the very nature of reductionism. It has by its very desire to find the ever smaller part of what is wrong with the body, been missing the connectivity of everything. The way that each and every organ is connected to each and every other organ, and how the health of one can and does affect and effect all the others.
- It misses the amazing way that we fit into the patterns that are our world, that we can and are affected by the moons cycles, the high and low pressure systems that are are weather. The place we reside in the world, what season is it that is exerting some influence on our systems. These things are difficult to see and take notice of, if we have our head and focus so narrow. It requires the ability to look up and take in the bigger picture as well as the minute.
- Now lets look at the second issue I raised earlier. That of, we don’t actually get better.
- My point here is that because of the interventionist framework of Western Medicine, it actually stops the body from overcoming the pathogen by itself.
- Lets break this down.
- What do I mean by an Interventionist approach.
- Well, because we identify what is attacking the body, a virus, a bacteria etc, and then we use what we know will attack and kill that pathogen, we intervene on the bodies behalf and do what the body should be able to do itself. This intervention might be seen to be stopping the body from learning how to protect itself.
- So the next time, it will require intervention again.
- A side issue here is that the pathogen can learn from what has been used and grow stronger, or adapt, and the body is still not able to help itself.
- Lets now look at CEAM or CM.
- Now it has been said that CEAM, CM takes a very unscientific approach.
- That the CEAM approach is much more a view from a wider perspective. It might be said that it has no science to it at all, that it is just trial and error, and where is the research that can back up the treatments that are provided.
- This is quite a reasonable stance if you wish to say that CEAM treats a Western Disease or Condition, because without the appropriate evidence then we should not make such claims. However,
- My own simple understanding of a Scientific approach is one where an idea is postulated and tested and then peer reviewed. It is also held up to scrutiny by the community within which it is part, and also tested by time, to see if it is valid.
- As CM and CEAM is one of the oldest continuing practiced and documented medicines in the world, is has the oldest medical text book as one of its reference books, and that book is over 2000 years old, and since that time the medical knowledge of CM or CEAM, has not been lost, and it has been documented, discussed and argued over; pulled apart and put back together. It has come up with a myriad of theories and schools of thought, all of which are still used and cause all sorts of controversy within and without the profession still today. Could this fit into a scientific approach of thinking?
- It is this very robust and constant dialog that keeps knowledge current and growing. So although the world of CM, CEAM is old, it is not stagnant or decaying. Its focus to keep itself relevant within todays modern world.
- Now, to answer the initial question, of what can CEAM treat?
- Well, we say that we don’t treat a specific western disease, what we do is ascertain what part of the body is no longer balanced, and assist the body to find it own balance again. For we believe quite strongly that Acupuncture, Herbal medicine or any other facet of CM, CEAM does not heal or ‘Fix’ you, we only facilitate you bodies ability to heal or fix itself.
- The draw back of this medical approach is that it must take time. For you body to heal it must take time, it is not possible for that to happen quickly.
- The upside of this approach is, that your body should be healthier than it was, once it has healed.
- So, what does CEAM treat? Simple put, someone with symptoms of a body that is not in harmony with its environment, is out of Balance and is in need of help to find that Balance again.
- So to put it in context of someone coming to my clinic and asking me, Can I treat…, my answer is something like; ‘why don’t you tell me about what you feel is wrong with your health, and lets see what we can do about it. Perhaps we can find a way back to Balance for you.’
- I hope that this dialogue has been able to answer any questions about a simple question that is asked often, but one that is not easy to answer in the quick, short and concise manner that we have come to expect in this fast paced world in which we live.
- Now, let me be very, very clear here. I am not advocating that there is no place for western Medicine, or drugs or any other treatment protocol other than CEAM or CM.
- That would be plain stupid!
- There is a need for all thinking to be used and applied to meet the needs of each and every individual.
- This discussion is about explaining the reasoning behind how CEAM or CM can treat what it treats, and answering the question of, just what can CEAM, CM treat?
- I hope that I have gone some way toward answering that question.
- Once again, thanks for coming and listening to the end of my podcast on what can CEAM treat, as part of my Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health: Reaching the Balance within series of Podcasts. If you have anything that you wish to have more information on, or a topic expanded on, please let me know by contacting me through one of the links in the podcast description.
- See you next time for Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health, Reaching the balance Within.
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